Shock wave therapy is a new treatment process to remedy the chronic tendon problems.
This process consist of using either pressurized air or electromagnetic pulses to launch shock waves that help treating of a diversity of chronic disorders such as: Plantar fasciitis, Calcific tendonitis and Tennis elbow.
How Shock Wave Work?
Shock wave therapy may be performed either at a high-energy or a low-energy aspect, and both aspects can be used depending on the specific disorder.
Low-energy shock wave therapy is performed in a series of three or more sequences. The low-energy shock wave is not painful.
By contrary, the high-energy shock wave therapy is performed in one session. High-energy shock wave therapy is mildly painful, and occasionally may need anesthesia.
Shock wave therapy consist of inducing microtrauma to the affected tissue. This microtrauma stimulates a repair course and relieve pain.
Therapy Alternatives
Shock waves therapy is primary recommended for plantar fasciitis.
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) uses pneumatic (pressurized air) technology to induce microtrauma instead of the electromagnetic pulses used by the classic SW.
treatment is compared to more standard treatments of these problems.
Patients suffering of Tendonitis and Plantar Fasciitis are advised to start with more traditional and known therapy for at least six months before considering shock wave therapy.
Shock wave therapy is a realistic alternative to consider prior to surgical intervention.
Therefore, when traditional therapy fails to remedy a chronic plantar fasciitis, shock wave therapy is recommended as a safer therapy alternative than surgery.