Snapping hip condition is a disorder categorized by a cracking feeling with repeatedly a perceptible ‘popping’ noise at any hip flexing or extending.
Snapping hip condition occurs from many causes, most commonly due to tendons squeezing on a bony prominence and “cracking” whit any hip motion.
Snapping hip condition is not in fact a diagnosis, but rather a sign.
The snapping feeling indication is caused by a primary diagnosis, but in order to ensure appropriate therapy, this diagnosis must first be acknowledged.
Snapping Hip Condition / Causes
- Iliotibial Band Syndrome
The iliotibial band is a thick and large tendon over the hip joint outside. The most frequent snapping hip condition cause, is when the iliotibial band (or “IT band”) cracks over the greater trochanter (the bony prominence over the hip joint outside).
When this is the cracking hip joint cause, patients may develop hip bursitis from the bursa irritation in this area.
- Iliopsoas Tendon Snap
The iliopsoas tendon is the principal hip flexor muscle, and the tendon of this muscle traverses just in front of the hip joint.
The iliopsoas tendon can squeeze on a pelvis bony prominence and cause a break when the hip is flexed.
Typically, when the iliopsoas tendon is the cause of cracking hip condition, patients have no problems but may find the cracking frustrating.
- Hip Labral Tear
Hip Labral Tear is the snapping hip condition least frequent cause arising cartilage tear within the hip joint.
When the hip is moving causing flap loose of cartilage squeezing within the joint, this may cause a cracking feeling.
An X-ray is typically taken to confirm that there is no bone difficulty around the hip joint.
An MRI may be considered to look for evidence to diagnose the problem, in case the cause of cracking hip condition is thought to be due to a cartilage or labral tear within the hip joint,.
Snapping Hip Condition / Therapy
Snapping hip Therapy depends most expressively on the cause of the difficulty.
Once the precise cause has been identified, an appropriate therapy may start.
Typically, therapy starts with simple steps.
Note that rarely a snapping hip may necessitate immediate surgery.
Frequently an oral anti-inflammatory medicine, or conceivably a cortisone injection will help control inflammation.
Physical therapy may be helpful for stretching out the muscles and tendons that cause a cracking hip and may help avoiding the problem as well.
As said before, Surgery is rarely needed.
In this case, surgery to reduce the tendons catching, or to remove the cartilage tear may help a recovery.
Habitually, hip arthroscopy can be used for the snapping hip surgical therapy.