Women and Calcium Supplements

ORTHOPEDICS/OSTEOPOROSIS Usually, mothers may take calcium calcium supplements to support babies need for strengthening healthy bones and teeth at growing age. In addition, Post-menopausal women may take calcium complements to board off osteoporosis later. However, it not just having babies or reaching menopause to take calcium complements, any woman can appreciate that benefits of calcium complementation. Calcium Supplements Necessity With advancing in age, calcium is important for the prevention of osteoporosis. In addition, Calcium is also known by reducing the high blood pressure risk. Moreover, consuming 1200 mg of calcium a day can lessen almost the half of premenstrual disorder….

Osteoporosis/Medicines and therapy

ORTHOPEDICS/OSTEOPOROSIS Prevention Due to Osteoporosis, bones are thinning and weakening gradually to the point that they become fragile and crack easily. Most frequently, Osteoporosis break bones in the hip, spine, and wrist. However, Osteoporosis medicines, diet, bodybuilding, and safety precautions can help preventing and lessening the risk.  Osteoporosis/Therapy Program Therapy Program for pationts suffering of Osteoporosis will focus on: Healthy diet : specifically rich in calcium and vitamin D, including a doctor recommendation to add calcium and vitamin D supplementsTrainings: that will improve bone health and increase muscle strength as well.Safety topics to prevent falls that may result in cracks….

Osteoporosis/3 Warning Symptoms

ORTHOPEDICS/OSTEOPOROSIS Osteoporosis/Bone disease Osteoporosis is a bone disease resulting from an amplified supporting a crack. All the body’s bones in the body can be affected by Osteoporosis. Measuring the bone density is the first step of an osteoporosis diagnosis. If osteoporosis diagnosis is positive, therapy is required to alleviate the disorder to avoid future cracks. Knowing when to perform a bone density test can help diagnose the disorder and starting adequate therapy. Osteoporosis/Warning Symptoms A prematured Osteoporosis therapy is better done before any symptoms develop. Therefore, it is significant to know the risk factors of developing Osteoporosis. Here are Some…


ORTHOPEDICS/OSTEOPOROSIS Osteoporosis, also called “Brittle bone disease,” is a disorder that causes bones weakening. Osteoporosis increases broken bone’s risks. Broken bones can cause important difficulties, specifically when a spine crack or broken hip happens. Because of these worries, everybody should know his chance of developing Osteoporosis to avoid this Osteoporosis development. Osteoporosis Diagnosis Bone density Everyone who is “at risk” for osteoporosis should check his  bone density. Bone density tests are valuable to monitor the development as well as the progression of Osteoporosis and the response to therapy. When Osteoporosis should beTested? Elderly patient The apparent signs (such as pain…

All About Corticosteroid-Induced Osteoporosis

ORTHOPEDICS/OSTEOPOROSIS Corticosteroids are one kind of steroid medicine. Occasionally the term “steroid” is used inter-inconsistently with “corticosteroid.” Most people affected with inflammatory diseases are usually treated with corticosteroids. Therapy for many inflammatory and autoimmune diseases (like Asthma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus and inflammatory bowel disease), uses eventually Steroids such as Prednisone. Steroids are as well used to treat several allergic disorders. Corticosteroids and Bone Rehab While Corticosteroids affect calcium and bone metabolism, Steroids decrease the amount of calcium absorbed by the intestine. Steroids increase calcium excretion through the foods as well. These two causes conglomerate to produce a degeneration in the…


ORTHOPEDICS/OSTEOPOROSIS What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis also called “brittle bone disease,” is a therapeutic disorder that leads to a bone weakening. A bone become delicate due to Osteoporosis, and chances of suffering a broken bone increases, therefore, because of this weakening, bones can be broken with minimal trauma. When osteoporosis occurs, there is less supporting bone and larger gaps in the lattice, leading to a weaker structure. Broken bones can be a serious problem and may require surgery and prolonged rehabilitation, although, some bones fractures can be managed with simple behaviors. Because of these worries, everyone should understand what steps he…

How to Avoid and treat Osteopenia

ORTHOPEDICS/ OSTEOPOROSIS Osteopenia is characterized by a deficiency of bone’s mineral density. Therefore, people with osteopenia should work on bone health through their diet and regime practices. A person may apply simple procedures to help motivating his bones to maintain healthy and alleviate bone loss.  Good knowledge about osteopenia diagnosis and osteopenia medicines may be helpful to avoid bone’s deficiency. More bodybuilding and vitamin D can help as well. Avoiding Osteopenia You can avoid this unhealthy state of your bones by simple features such as: Diet: You should know that your bones require calcium and other nutrients to keep enough…

Daily Calcium consumption

ORTHOPEDICS/OSTEOPOROSIS Bones need specific nutrients to maintain thickness and strength. Calcium and Vitamin D are by far the most important elements that respond to this argument. Note that without taken satisfactory calcium and Vitamin D doses, the body cannot keep healthy bones and structure. In addition, people who do not take adequate nutrients are more susceptible to bone problems including osteoporosis and crack. National Academy of Sciences had published the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for the calcium and vitamin D dosage to be taken adequately. As said before, calcium and Vitamin D are two critical components but not the only…

Osteoporosis Pain Supervision

ORTHOPEDICS/OSTEOPOROSIS Osteoporosis is frequently the reason of extremely painful cracks that may take several months to recover. In numerous situations, pain decreases gradually with the crack healing that frequently may endure nearly three months. Pain that remains after such period (3 months) is classically considered as a chronic pain. One most chronic pain is vertebral cracks: when a vertebra crack, some persons do not feel pain, while others have severe pain with muscle tremors that last long, even after the crack has healed. Description of Pain? Pain is the body’s reaction to damage. When a bone cracks, a pain message…

Osteoporosis/ Signs, Therapy, and Avoidance

ORTHOPEDICS/ OSTEOPOROSIS Osteoporosis is a malady categorized by bone thinning that can lead progressively to bone fragility and crack, particularly at the hip, spine and wrist levels. Signs Osteoporosis is qualified by “silent disease” because bone’s density is weakening slowly over a period of years without any evident symptoms; Therefore, Bones’ disease remains classically undiagnosed until bones are weakened and become suitable to cracking easily. (Note that Osteoporosis is the cause of 1.5 million cracks/year). Where Osteoporosis attacks? In fact, Osteoporosis can strike everybody at any age, unlike thinking that it improves with only old persons, in addition that most…