ORTHOPEDICS/LEG, FOOT & ANKLE/THERAPY & SURGERY Ankle fusion is a surgical technique performed for severe ankle arthritis therapy. When ankle pain arises due to an arthritis, and when the non-surgical therapies fail to provide appropriate healing, a surgery may be considered. There are two alternatives for patients who endure serious arthritis: (1) Ankle switching surgery and (2) Ankle fusion surgery. About Ankle Fusion surgery Compared to ankle switching surgery, an ankle fusion surgery is frequently preferred in patients that are more active. Patients who undergo an ankle fusion surgery will have a perpetually stiff joint, and may be unable to…
ORTHOPEDICS/LEG, FOOT & ANKLE/THERAPY & SURGERY Ankle Pain/Causes and Therapy options Ankle pain certain types may be treated with Arthroscopic ankle surgery. Generally, an arthroscopic surgery consist of inserting a small camera inside the joint. Then, through other small incisions, tools can be inserted to restore or remove the damaged structures. Arthroscopic ankle surgery is frequently called “scoping the ankle” or arthroscopy. Arthroscopic Ankle Surgery /Four causes Not all ankle pain causes can be efficiently treated with an arthroscopic technique. Here below are four causes to perform an arthroscopic ankle surgery: 1. Reinstating Ankle Cartilage Injury Small and isolated zones…
ORTHOPEDICS/LEG, FOOT & ANKLE/THERAPY & SURGERY Anterior Tibialis Weakness /Rehab A foot drop is a suffering disorder resulting from a damage or illness caused of reduced muscle function in the shin front. A foot drop arises when the anterior tibialis muscle that helps lifting the foot up does not function appropriately. When a patient suffers of a foot drop, his walking ability may lessen. A foot drop usually causes a particular walking shape called a high steppage gait. This walking shape (or gait pattern) is easily identifiable. If a person suffers of a foot drop, the physical therapist should assess…
ORTHOPEDICS/LEG, FOOT & ANKLE/THERAPY & SURGERY Therapy, Rehab, and Eventual Complications As almost all other bones’ disorders, a Surgical bunion therapy is usually if simple nonsurgical treatments did not give the healing result and pain is persisting. Bunion surgical therapy should focus on two objectives: Reinstating the foot normal alignment and mechanics Removing pain and preventing its repetition Bunion Surgery A Bunion surgery typically involves breaking the toe bone (metatarsal) to adjust the alignment. This part of the process is called an osteotomy. The surgery also involves compressing the ligaments on the outside of the toe, and relaxing the ligaments…
ORTHOPEDICS/LEG, FOOT & ANKLE/THERAPY & SURGERY All about Achilles tendon pain The Achilles tendon is the principal and leading tendon in the body. The Achilles tendon joins the calf (the gastrocnemius) with the soleus muscles of the lower leg to the foot heel bone. The Achilles tendon is very strong, but not so flexible. When inflamed, Achilles tendon can cause uneasiness starting from a slight ache, soreness to serious pain, particularly when curving the foot downward. Achilles tendon pain/causes The Achilles tendon pain most frequent causes are: Achilles tendonitis (a more aggressive condition) and Achilles tendonosis (more chronic). Achilles Tendonitis…
ORTHOPEDICS/LEG, FOOT & ANKLE/THERAPY & SURGERY Hamstring Tear Best Trainings During hamstring strain physical therapy, various trainings may help increasing circulation, improving the muscles contractions and decreasing pain. Trainings are the recovery most important modules. The question: which trainings are the best following a hamstring strain? This list is a sample trainings progression during rehab after a hamstring strain: Hamstring Stretches There are several behaviors to start stretching the hamstrings after a hamstring strain. Start gradually and smoothly by increasing the intensity of each stretch for four to six weeks. The hurdler stretchThe towel hamstring stretchThe amazing standing hamstring stretch…
ORTHOPEDICS/LEG, FOOT & ANKLE/THERAPY & SURGERY Following to a hip, knee, ankle or foot surgery, the leg muscles usually weaken due to the immobilization recovery period. For this reason, it is important to restart strengthening these muscles and gaining back strength that have been lost after damage or surgery. Leg Trainings after Surgery/Benefits Performing leg trainings after surgery provides the following benefits: Rebuilding back strengthPreventing blood clots Improving ability to move after surgery Getting Started First trainings should focus on all the leg major muscles. Here are a few leg trainings to start with: Gluteal Sets: Gluteal sets are an…
ORTHOPEDICS/LEG, FOOT & ANKLE/Therapy & SURGERY Injured Ankle / Therapy Steps for Speed Recovery Once an ankle damage occurs, patients want to recover as quickly as possible. Recovery from an ankle sprain depends on many factors and from patient to another. Here below, some recovery basic steps to allow the patient resuming speedily normal activities. “R.I.C.E.” Therapy The early therapy of an ankle sprain is the “RICE”, the simple nonsurgical measures that focus on reducing ankle inflammation and alleviating pain: To remind, RICE is : Relaxation, Ice applying, Compression and Elevating. Range of Motion (ROM) Exercises The recovery main goal…
ORTHOPEDICS/LEG, FOOT & ANKLE/THERAPY & SURGERY An ankle sprain(or twisted ankle) usually causes pain and motion restriction, as it may even prevent performing normal activities. Patient with a sprained ankle may benefit from physical therapy to help improving overall ankle mobility. When sustaining an ankle sprain, early active stretching is a significant first step in the recovery process. Following an ankle sprain, and due the extended required relaxation period, the muscles around the ankle often become shortened and tight resulting of the decreased range of motion (ROM) around the ankle joint. To restart moving again, it is important to start…
ORTHOPEDICS/LEG, FOOT & ANKLE/THERAPY & SURGERY Ice bottle massage controls foot pain and inflammation Plantar fasciitis is a painful disorder that may restrict the walking and running ability. Plantar fasciitis arises when the plantar fascia, the hard tissue on the foot bottom, becomes inflamed or irritated. This may happen if you have high heels, fallen arches, and tightness in the muscles around your foot, or if your foot bottom is experiencing overuse and recurrent stress. Plantar fasciitis controlling involves a full valuation from your doctor or physical therapist to define your foot pain cause. Plantar fasciitis first controlling involves monitoring…