Ankle fusion is a surgical technique performed for severe ankle arthritis therapy.
When ankle pain arises due to an arthritis, and when the non-surgical therapies fail to provide appropriate healing, a surgery may be considered.
There are two alternatives for patients who endure serious arthritis: (1) Ankle switching surgery and (2) Ankle fusion surgery.
About Ankle Fusion surgery
Compared to ankle switching surgery, an ankle fusion surgery is frequently preferred in patients that are more active.
Patients who undergo an ankle fusion surgery will have a perpetually stiff joint, and may be unable to perform certain activities such as running.
Ankle fusion surgery should be performed cautiously in patients who have had a joint inflammation, or in patients who are smokers, because these patients may have a high risk of developing complications from surgery.
Ankle Fusion surgery Performance
Several surgical practices may be used to performing an ankle fusion surgery, all with one unique objective to enduringly fusing the ankle joint so it can no longer curve.
The first step of an ankle fusion is to remove any remaining cartilage and create a level bone surface on the ankle joint top and bottom; the next step is to align the bones in the appropriate position for the fusion. Finally, metal implants, typically large screws are used to hold the bones in this position.
An ankle fusion surgery may be performed with several different ways, depending on factors such as the amount of joint deformity, the extent of arthritis, and the surgeon experience.
Some surgeons use ankle arthroscopy to remove the cartilage, while others make a larger incision to look clearly at the joint.
Ankle Fusion surgery / Recovery
A one-night stay in the hospital to ensure pain is managed, and the patient is comfortable usually follows an ankle fusion surgery.
Patients are sited in a cast using crutches or a walker.
Typically, patients will have to keep this state for 8-12 weeks, followed by protected walking period with a special boot or cast.
Complete healing of an ankle fusion may take four to six months.
Ankle Fusion surgery / Complications
Following an ankle fusion surgery, the frequent concern that might arise is called a nonunion, which occurs when the bones that are being fused do not heal together.
Nonunion rate is usually higher with smokers’ patients.
Smoking interruption can be helpful in lowering the nonunion chance.
In addition, because ankle fusion surgery restricts mobility, patients frequently develop arthritis in the foot joints.
Finally, patients who undergo ankle fusion surgery may need to wear dedicated shoes to assist in walking for the whole life.