A meniscal cyst is a joint fluid inflammation resulting of a tear within the meniscus cartilage.
Meniscal cysts are most frequently shown near the lateral meniscus (the knee outside) and are related with a particular kind of meniscal tear called (horizontal cleavage tear).
Meniscal Cyst /Signs
Meniscal cyst most frequent sign is pain straight over the joint line together with a bump or lump in that place.
Sometimes the cyst will vary in size, while other it will remain apparently unchanged.
The motive the cyst shape is that the tear in the meniscus cartilage tolerates normal joint fluid to leak out of the joint.
It is important to understand that while called a “cyst” it is really just a fluid pocket and not a true cyst.
Cyst is not an abnormal development, it is not a tumor as well. It is simply a collection of normal joint fluid, that has fled to an abnormal place.
Therapy Alternatives
Meniscal cysts can be drained with a needle in the clinic, but they will often regenerate. The reason for this regeneratin of the meniscal cyst is that the tear that leads to the cyst must be treated as well.
Arthroscopic therapy is the best treatment for the meniscal cysts.
Once the tear has been treated, the meniscal cyst will frequently decompress.
Removing the actual cyst is not compulsory; by simply treating the cyst cause would be the better therapy for this difficulty.
Note that meniscal cysts are similar to popliteal or Baker’s cysts; however, a popliteal cyst is situated in the knee joint back.
In addition, a popliteal cyst is seen with many knee joint kinds that lead to fluid accumulation or knee inflammation.
Therefore, popliteal cysts can happen with a meniscus tear, but also with arthritis, ligament damages, and other problems that lead to knee inflammation as well.