Therapy choices for common “Running” damages


Commonly we all know that Running is a sport passion. Nothing is more important for passionate to spend hours running every day and torture their bodies.

Running damages are not common but may occur unfortunately.

Once a running damage happen, an adequate treatment should be followed for recovery.

Note that you should understand clearly the running damages sources, which are the key of the adequate treatment.

Below, we shall define these sources and present information regarding the kinds of adequate behavior.

Hip and Thigh Damages

Hip Bursitis

Trochanteric bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa over the outside of the hip joint that in can cause pain with hip motion.

Hip bursitis is frequently well treated, but it may come back under specific conditions, and even may become a persistent difficulty.

Cracking Hip Disorder

Cracking hip disorder is a term used to define three different hip problems.

  1. Problem occurs when the IT band snaps over the outside of the thigh.
  2. Problem occurs when the deep hip flexor snaps over the front of the hip joint.
  3. Finally, tears of the cartilage, or labrum, around the hip socket can cause a cracking feeling.

Iliotibial Band Disorder

The iliotibial band is a thick and fibrous band that extents from the hip to the shin;

It lends steadiness to the knee joint and is attached to muscles of the thigh.

ITBS is caused when the band becomes irritated and warm.

Drawn Hamstring

A drawn hamstring is a regular sports damages, observed most frequently with fast runners (sprinters).

A drawn hamstring is a damage of the muscle called the hamstring strain.

Medical behavior of a pulled hamstring is imperative a fast recovery.

Hip Stress Cracks

Hip stress cracks are frequent with athletes who participate to high-impact sports, such as Marathon (long-distance running).

Hip stress cracks behavior generally is effective by avoiding permanently all the sports events.

Knee Damages

Patellofemoral disease or “Runner’s Knee”

“Runner’s knee” may refer to numerous regular Knee damages, such as chondromalacia, patellar tendonitis, or generalized knee pain

Difficulties associated with the patella, or kneecap, are frequent with runners.

Kneecap Sub-luxation

The position of the kneecap within the groove on the end of the thighbone is the cause of many kneecap topics.

Frequently, the kneecap can be pulled to the side of the groove. This position is called a sub-luxation that cause severe damages when the kneecap fully dislocates from the groove.

Plica Disorder

Plica disorder occurs when there is irritation the knee-joint lining. Part of the knee-joint lining is more protuberant in some persons and can form a so-called plica shelf.

Knee pain occurs when this tissue becomes inflamed.

Leg Damages

Shin Splints

Shin splints, like runner’s knee, is a term that describes a set of signs. Shin splint pain can be due to difficulties with the muscles, bone, or the attachment of the muscle to the bone.

Stress Cracks

To remind that the Hip stress cracks are frequently observed in long-distance (Marathon) runners, and much more commonly with women than men.

These damages are frequently observed with endurance athletes lacking healthy nutrition or eating morbidly.

Exercise-Induced Section condition

Exercise-induced section condition is a disorder that causes pain over the front of the leg in motion.

Patients with exercise-induced section syndrome may need surgery to release their symptoms.

Ankle Damages

Ankle Sprain

Ankle sprains are common damages that runners experience.

Note that an early recognition and adequate behavior of this problem will help fast recovery from ankle tendon damages.

Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is a tendon painful disorder in the back of the ankle. If kept untreated, Achilles tendonitis can lead to an increased menace of Achilles tendon cut.

Foot Damages

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a disorder of severe pain due to the infection of the thick ligament at the base of the foot.

A tight, inflamed plantar fascia can cause grave pain when walking or running, and if kept untreated, it may lead to the formation of a heel spur.


Pronation is a normal motion of the foot through the gait cycle.

When this movement becomes accentuated, over-pronation can cause a diversity by changing the normal mechanics of the gait cycle.

In this case, shoes to control excess foot movement can be supportive for over-pronators.

Arch Pain

Arch pain is a communal foot grievance. Arch pain, sometimes called a strain as well, frequently causes infection with a burning feeling under the arch of the foot.

Behavior of the arch pain frequently consists of adopting adequate shoes with inserts.

To conclude

Avoid Running Damages

Running Damages are inevitable, although most of the runners are attentive and preventive. Such is sport nature.

Taking a few steps will decrease chances of falling in serious problems. Be sure to wear adequate shoes, stretch properly, and do not neglect cross training.