Syndesmosis/Ankle Damages


The ligament that attaches the leg two bones (the tibia and the fibula) is known as syndesmosis ligament, also called the syndesmotic ligament.

Damages of the Syndesmosis ligament re usually linked to other ankle damages such twists and cracks.

The problem is: if Syndesmosis ligament damage is kep without treatment serious consequences may result to a point that the ankle joint may become unsteady.

Note that a syndesmosis damage often happens when the foot twists outwards (called external rotation damage).

Syndesmosis Signs

Commonly, a person suffering of ankle twist or crack should also consider an eventual syndesmosis damage.

Classic signs of a syndesmosis damage include: Pain above the ankle, Calf pain and Inability to placing weight on the leg.

Syndesmosis Diagnosis and Therapy

A specific type of x-ray known as stress X-ray is recommended when a syndesmosis damage is suspected, because normal x-rays may not be clear enough to show a syndesmosis damage.

Stress x-ray consist of applying a force to the ankle to define if the syndesmosis shifts accordingly.

In addition, either a CT scan or MRI may also be helpful in making the diagnosis.

Syndesmosis Injuries Kinds

“High ankle twist” is the most common kind of syndesmosis damage.

A high ankle twist is simply linked to the damage of the ligaments above the ankle joint.

High ankle twist Therapy depends on the ankle steadiness of the.

Usually therapy uses immobilization and supports, as it may take six to eight weeks for recovery.

In rare case and when pain is severe, a bandage is helpful and a surgery is recommended.

Syndesmotic Damages/Surgery

Surgery for a syndesmosisdamage (when recommended) is usually performed with metal screws that pass through the fibula and into the tibia.

These screws are positioned once the syndesmosis has been placed in its proper position.