Knee pain and damages frequently require Knee surgery that is used for the therapy of different disorders.
While non-surgical therapy are commonly often done as initial therapy, there are conditions where knee surgery becomes required and even mandatory.
Below are some different kinds of knee surgery performed facing specific disorders.
- Arthroscopy for Trimming a Wavering Meniscus
Meniscectomy is the precise surgery performed to the removal of a fragment of the meniscus cartilage from the knee joint.
Knowing that the meniscus is a shock-absorbing wedge of cartilage sitting between the bone ends to provide softening and support, smaller meniscus blubbering can commonly be cropped to eliminate a torn meniscus indication.
2- Meniscus Restoration
A meniscus restoration is a surgical technique done to restore the spoiled meniscus.
The meniscus restoration can reestablish the knee normal anatomy and has a better long-term prediction.
With a meniscus restoration, the recovery is longer.
3- Lateral Release surgery
When a kneecap is pulled to the outside of the groove causing a dislocation risk followed by pain with bending of the knee joint, a lateral release surgery is performed to loosen the ligaments that pull the kneecap toward the outside of the groove.
4- Plica Resection
A Plica is a residue of tissue kept from fetal development.
In early development, the knee is divided into separate sections. The dividers of these sections are progressively lost with time, but sometimes, few residue remains; therefore this residue might becoming protuberant, it is called a plica.
When this plica is irritated, it is called plica disorder.
A plica excision is performed to remove this irritated residue.
5- Meniscus Transplantation
Meniscus transplantation is a surgical procedure of placing a meniscus to patient who had their meniscus removed, and consequently starts to develop knee pain.
Meniscus transplant is performed when removal of the entire meniscus has caused persistent knee pain.
6- ACL Rebuilding
The Anterior Cruciate Ligament, or ACL, is one of four major knee tendons.
The ACL is significant to knee stability, and causes knee giving out from under; therefore, many patients who sustain an ACL problem chose to undergo a surgical therapy for this damage.
ACL damages are commonly linked to sports activities.
7- Microcrack
Microcrack is a surgical technique performed on a cartilage damage inside the knee joint.
Microcrack provide new cartilage where there was a gap in cartilage.
Note that Microcrack only works for small damaged zones, (not extensive loss of cartilage) and the healing cartilage is not similar to the normal joint cartilage.
8- Patellar/Quadriceps Tendon Reparation
When the patellar tendon or the quadriceps tendon on the front of the knee joint is damaged, causing a loss of strength of leg extension, and when patients have a difficulty in straightening the knee joint, the therapy of the patellar tendon or the quadriceps tendon rupture often requires a surgical reparation.
9- Partial Knee Switching
The knee joint is divided into three compartments, and each of these three compartments (medial, lateral, and patellofemoral) can be switched with a partial knee switching.
When a small portion of cartilage of the knee joint is lost, it may be possible to switch just this worn-out portion of the joint.
A partial knee switching is an alternative for some kinds of knee arthritis.
Partial knee switching is becoming more common as robotic-assisted surgery.
10- Knee switching Surgery
When a knee switching is performed, the bone and cartilage on the end of the thighbone (femur) and top of the shinbone (tibia) are removed. This surgery is performed by using specific tools to generate spaces that can accommodate impeccably the implant.
A metal and plastic knee switching implant is then fixed to work as a new knee joint.
In some cases such when the cartilage is enough, the kneecap surface may also be switched.
Commonly a Knee switching surgery is very successful.
A Final word
Not every kind of knee pain is treated with surgery, and defining the most adequate surgery for each knee problem can be complicated.