Tendonitis is one of the most frequent causes of foot or ankle pain.
Tendons are the tissue that anchor the leg, foot, and ankle muscles to the bone.
Tendonitis is the inflammation, (when occurring) surrounding a tendon. Tendonitis usually causes Pain with activity and disappear with relaxation.
Achilles is the most common kind of foot and ankle Tendonitis.
Foot and ankle Tendonitis causes
Following are the main Foot and ankle Tendonitis causes:
– Overuse:
Overuse means that a tendon is over stressed. This happens with overloaded activity (starting from walking to participating in competitive game).
– Strange foot structure:
Hitches such as flat feet or high arches can generate muscular disparities; therefore one or more tendons are over stressed.
- Trauma:
Trauma is a Tendonitis that occurs usually following to a sudden and powerful movement like jumping.
- Medical disorders:
Some medical disorders that generalyl cause inflammation can lead to tendonitis.
Note that in this case, Inflammation such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout, can cause Achilles tendonitis.
Foot and ankle Tendonitis Signs
Pain and inflammation are typically the most frequent signs of foot and ankle Tendonitis.
When tendonitis signs appear, the first thing to do is R.I.C.E, meaning relaxation, ice applying, compression, and elevation.
It pain persist, decreasing activity is recommended.
Regarding the inflammation, Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen can also be taken to help relief.
Seeking Medical care
In case pain and inflammation worsen, it will be better to seek medical care.
Foot and ankle Tendonitis Therapy
The prime therapy principle for foot and ankle tendonitis is relaxation. This may take time, (weeks to months).
Secondly, you may be advised to wearing a medical walking boot to keep the foot and ankle immobilized.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be also recommended.
Most often, stretching and strengthening exercises may help reducing stress on the affected tendon.
To avoid tendonitis, the best way should be the stretching exercises prior to any activity, because when muscles are tight, they put extra stress on the tendons.
It is also advised to wear appropriate shoes and avoid worn-out athletic shoes.
A Final Word
Foot or ankle pain from tendonitis is a sign to be taken in consideration. If pain remains, it is recommended to see a doctor to get the correct therapy advice.