Many patients wish to stop feeling pain but are afraid to proceed with a critical surgery.
Therefore, prefer delaying a joint switching surgery and continue with simpler therapy, such as taking oral medicines, cortisone injections, using eventually walking aids and physical therapy.
Infrequently, surgery is getting more complicated because of delaying performing the switching operation.
Therefore, patients should know some respects: While delaying the switching operation for months, or even years, may not have effective consequences, a prolonged delay may complicate the state.
Here are some worries regarding delaying joint switching surgery:
- Worsening of Joint Distortion
Most often Arthritis evolves gradually and develops slowly over the time.
As this disorder (Arthritis) worsens, a joint abnormality can be increasing.
With patients suffering of knee Arthritis, this situation most commonly generates increasing knock-kneed or bow-legged abnormalities.
In hip Arthritis, the leg length can shorten as cartilage and bone are gradually disappearing, and joint switching may become more complicated with this increasing abnormality.
This may necessitate using specific implants to perform surgery that is more extensive.
- Joint Painfulness
In the same time, as joint Arthritis is progressing due to above delaying, the joint motions become lesser; therefore with less movement, the soft tissues surrounding the joint, comprising the muscle, the tendons and the joint capsule may contract, causing painfulness.
- Muscles Strength
As Arthritis develops, the muscles surrounding the joint are expected to weaken. Therefore, when the muscles weaken, the recovery following the surgery may become more complicated and maybe the muscles may never regain their full strength.
- Compensatory Topics and Problems
This is most likely the notorious complication of delaying the switching operation.
However, People with serious hip Arthritis frequently experience back pain, and people with knee Arthritis habitually complain of pain in their opposite knee.
General Medical Health
Delaying a switching operation is not the only reason of future complications, sometimes patients develop medical problems resulting of aging or a reduced physical activity.
In addition, weight gain, decreased endurance or cardiac and pulmonary disorders are all concerns for people who try to delay in performing a joint switching surgery.
As mentioned, these issues are rarely serious emergencies, which means that a patient have certainly enough time to decide.